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Personal (Noncommercial private use)

Free-lance, business, non-commercial organization must purchase other business or premium license.

1. Can be used in no relation with any form of business, but only for private leisure or education purpose without profit.

2. License authorized for private use only and prohibited in any for of profit or business activities.

3. All commercial use including activities with financial gains or other method of payment or exchange, promotion of a product or service is regarded as commercial.

4. If infringement of the license terms is suspected, we will issue a statement of fact which may or may not follow with related legal claims

5. Upload to any form of social media, usage in various advertisement or promotion, web design, application, game, broadcasting, streaming is prohibited.

❌ End product including physical product, packaging, digital product, print, publishing for commercial use is prohibited. 

❌ Upload to any form of social media, usage in various advertisement or promotion, web design, application, game, broadcasting, streaming is prohibited. 

❌ Modifying the asset in other format for resales or sublicensing is strictly forbidden. 

❌ License user may not claim liscense asset or its modification as his or her own copyrighted material.

Commercial License

One man company or a freelancer, business or non-profit organization under 5 employees

1. End use of the license assets are allowed only for non-commercial use.

2. You may use the license assets within your business for work purposes.

3. This license is limited for work purpose within your organization and is prohibited for financial purpose in any forms.

4. All commercial use including activities with financial gains or other method of payment or exchange, promotion of a product or service is regarded as commercial.

5. If infringement of the license terms is suspected, we will issue a statement of fact which may or may not follow with related legal claims.

❌ End product including physical product, packaging, digital product, print, publishing for commercial use is prohibited. 

❌ Upload to any form of social media, usage in various advertisement or promotion, web design, application, game, broadcasting, streaming is prohibited. 

❌ Modifying the asset in other format for resales or sublicensing is strictly forbidden. 

❌ License user may not claim liscense asset or its modification as his or her own copyrighted material.

Premium License

Commercial use or business, non-commercial organization of more than 6 employees

1. End use of the license assets are allowed for limited commercial use.

2. License asset can be shared internally within the organization without limitations.

3. Use for broadcasting or streaming after addressing copyright 

4. Use for single website, application, game is allowed. 

5. Physical and digital end products for commercial sales are allowed for unlimited sales. 

6. If infringement of the license terms is suspected, we will issue a statement of fact which may or may not follow with related legal claims.

✅ All end product from premium license must differ greatly from the original license asset.

✅ Requires time, effort, and craftsmanship to produce the end product, and should not create main value from license asset itself.

 Can be used for commercial use in any form of social media, usage in various advertisement or marketing after modification of the original design. 

✅ Upload to any form of social media, usage in various advertisement or promotion, web design, application, game, broadcasting, streaming is allowed.